Brief Overview of the Landian Political Situation
The elections are coming closer and closer.
The Liberal Moderate Party, the leading party of the nation, and largest party in the governing coalition has stated their desire to run candidates in all constituencies. Many see this as a move to increase their National vote average and even increase their national seat numbers. The party leader, Mr Leopard even stated his desire to run candidates in North Landia, a Location in which LMP candidates haven't been elected. A traditionally left-wing supported constituency is a risk in which the LMP is willing to take. Mr Leopard has been supported by the Party as its Prime Ministerial candidate for the upcoming Election.
The second party in the governing coalition, the NCA, has stated it will most likely only pose candidates in strongly supported NCA or conservative constituencies. Some fear, that the NCA may take seats from the LMP, causing a dismantle for coalition negotiation and diplomacy, which was expected to happen once again. Andrew Akermann, leader of the NCA, however, did state, that if given the opportunity, the NCA would, form a Government with other parties, if suitable. The National Conservative Alliance, under Mr Akermann, has pledged to form a government with the parties who offer the Landians stability and unity.
The Labour Party, under Lila Huang, has openly stated its goals to be able to form an independent or coalition government after the 1st of June elections. The Labour party, currently having 8 seats, needing 16 to form a majority government, believes it can pick up 1-2 national seats, as well as steal seats from the Greens, SDU and other moderate Left-Wing seats.
The SDU (Socialist Democratic Union), a radical off-spring of the Labour Party, currently having 3 seats, plan on preparing themselves for the general election, their Leader, Kyle Bong (national Seat 4, Leader of the SDU and Shadow Minister for Infrastructure), has stated that they are willing, if required to, form a coalition government with the Labour Party. Mr Bong stated he will do everything in his power to ensure that the LMP-NCA Coalition does not regain power. SDU is hoping to gain more seats in the national branch, spreading its general vote across multiple constituencies.
The Greens, an environmental Political party, (Led by Paul Petterson), has stated they are happy with the foothold they currently have in parliament and are willing to form a coalition government with the Labour Party if they do wish to. The Greens have shown no sign of standing candidates in any other constituencies, and instead of keeping the majority of their manpower in the currently green held seats of Landia.
The Christian Nationals (Led by Arthur Golesbread), wishes to hold on to their current seat, as well as pose many more candidates throughout the constituencies of the nation, in hope of gaining some Seats of the LMP national list. Currently, the CN plans on not forming coalitions with any parties, wishing to remain as a crossbencher.
And the Newest party, formed only yesterday, the Peasants Revolutionary Front, formed from a disgraced SDU Party Secretary, to counteract the moderate Labour Party and turning moderateSDU, into a radical Left-wing party. The Peasants Revolutionary Front, wishing to take back major seats from the SDU and Labour party.
The election is on the 1st of June. May the best party win!
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