Prime Minister and Governing Coalition Denies Opposition Bill

 Hans Leopard, incumbent Prime Minister and leader of the LMP - NCA coalition, announced today that his coalition will not be supporting the Labours Tax Lowering Bill.

Political experts call this a risky move on behalf of the Prime Minister, especially so that the general election is scheduled for the 1st of June. Without the support of any governing party members, it's unlikely Labour will be able to pass the act.

Paul Petterson, Chief Whip for the Greens in the house, released a statement earlier today: 

"Regardless of our attempts to diplomatically negotiate with the Leopard Government, we have once again been denied our privileges. The Working-class people of our country deserve better. The Government is once again proving that their so-called 'strong' economic plan to rehabilitate our decreasing economic stability is failing. We will continue to fight for the Working class and ensure that your money is not wasted on useless government and taxpayer-supported projects."

President of the Parliament, Jennifer Gorring (Greens Party MP), has announced that the House will sit tomorrow in regards to the voting of the bill.

Collin Calliger, National-Conservative Alliance MP, and Minister for Finance made the following statement: 

"The Government, already tight on funding for vital projects within our nation can not afford to give up taxpayer money. Our government recognises the struggles the People of our nation undergo, however it was our promised plan to supply the Nation with more Government-Funded Services, and this is what we shall do." 

Election Analysts believe this may affect their results in the Polls. 

Please note this is a simulationist state


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